satgur mo ka-o keeno daan
BYrau mhlw 5 (1157-3)bhairo mehlaa 5 Bhairao, Fifth Mehl |
siqguir mo kau kIno dwnu ] The True Guru has blessed me with this gift. Amol rqnu hir dIno nwmu ] He has given me the Priceless Jewel of the Lord's Name. shj ibnod coj Awn�qw ] Now, I intuitively enjoy endless pleasures and wondrous play. nwnk kau pRBu imilE AicMqw ]1] God has spontaneously met with Nanak. ||1|| khu nwnk kIriq hir swcI ] Says Nanak, True is the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise. bhuir bhuir iqsu sMig mnu rwcI ]1] rhwau ] Again and again, my mind remains immersed in it. ||1||Pause|| AicMq hmwrY Bojn Bwau ] Spontaneously, I feed on the Love of God. AicMq hmwrY lIcY nwau ] Spontaneously, I take God's Name. AicMq hmwrY sbid auDwr ] Spontaneously, I am saved by the Word of the Shabad. AicMq hmwrY Bry BMfwr ]2] Spontaneously, my treasures are filled to overflowing. ||2|| AicMq hmwrY kwrj pUry ] Spontaneously, my works are perfectly accomplished. AicMq hmwrY lQy ivsUry ] Spontaneously, I am rid of sorrow. AicMq hmwrY bYrI mIqw ] Spontaneously, my enemies have become friends. AicMqo hI iehu mnu vis kIqw ]3] Spontaneously, I have brought my mind under control. ||3|| AicMq pRBU hm kIAw idlwsw ] Spontaneously, God has comforted me. AicMq hmwrI pUrn Awsw ] Spontaneously, my hopes have been fulfilled. AicMq hm@w kau sgl isDWqu ] Spontaneously, I have totally realized the essence of reality. AicMqu hm kau guir dIno mMqu ]4] Spontaneously, I have been blessed with the Guru's Mantra. ||4|| AicMq hmwry ibnsy bYr ] Spontaneously, I am rid of hatred. AicMq hmwry imty AMDyr ] Spontaneously, my darkness has been dispelled. AicMqo hI min kIrqnu mITw ] Spontaneously, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise seems so sweet to my mind. AicMqo hI pRBu Git Git fITw ]5] Spontaneously, I behold God in each and every heart. ||5|| AicMq imitE hY sglo Brmw ] Spontaneously, all my doubts have been dispelled. AicMq visE min suK ibsRwmw ] Spontaneously, peace and celestial harmony fill my mind. AicMq hmwrY Anhq vwjY ] Spontaneously, the Unstruck Melody of the Sound-current resounds within me. AicMq hmwrY goibMdu gwjY ]6] Spontaneously, the Lord of the Universe has revealed Himself to me. ||6|| AicMq hmwrY mnu pqIAwnw ] Spontaneously, my mind has been pleased and appeased. inhcl DnI AicMqu pCwnw ] I have spontaneously realized the Eternal, Unchanging Lord. AicMqo aupijE sgl ibbykw ] Spontaneously, all wisdom and knowledge has welled up within me. AicMq crI hiQ hir hir tykw ]7] Spontaneously, the Support of the Lord, Har, Har, has come into my hands. ||7|| AicMq pRBU Duir iliKAw lyKu ] Spontaneously, God has recorded my pre-ordained destiny. AicMq imilE pRBu Twkuru eyku ] Spontaneously, the One Lord and Master God has met me. icMq AicMqw sglI geI ] Spontaneously, all my cares and worries have been taken away. pRB nwnk nwnk nwnk meI ]8]3]6] Nanak, Nanak, Nanak, has merged into the Image of God. ||8||3||6|| |