satgur darsan agan nivaaree
gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 (183-3)ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5 Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl |
siqgur drsin Agin invwrI ] By the Blessed Vision of the True Guru's Darshan, the fire of desire is quenched. siqgur Bytq haumY mwrI ] Meeting the True Guru, egotism is subdued. siqgur sMig nwhI mnu folY ] In the Company of the True Guru, the mind does not waver. AMimRq bwxI gurmuiK bolY ]1] The Gurmukh speaks the Ambrosial Word of Gurbani. ||1|| sBu jgu swcw jw sc mih rwqy ] He sees the True One pervading the whole world; he is imbued with the True One. sIql swiq gur qy pRB jwqy ]1] rhwau ] I have become cool and tranquil, knowing God, through the Guru. ||1||Pause|| sMq pRswid jpY hir nwau ] By the Grace of the Saints, one chants the Lord's Name. sMq pRswid hir kIrqnu gwau ] By the Grace of the Saints, one sings the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. sMq pRswid sgl duK imty ] By the Grace of the Saints, all pains are erased. sMq pRswid bMDn qy Cuty ]2] By the Grace of the Saints, one is released from bondage. ||2|| sMq ik®pw qy imty moh Brm ] By the kind Mercy of the Saints, emotional attachment and doubt are removed. swD ryx mjn siB Drm ] Taking a bath in the dust of the feet of the Holy - this is true Dharmic faith. swD ik®pwl dieAwl goivMdu ] By the kindness of the Holy, the Lord of the Universe becomes merciful. swDw mih ieh hmrI ijMdu ]3] The life of my soul is with the Holy. ||3|| ikrpw iniD ikrpwl iDAwvau ] swDsMig qw bYTxu pwvau ] Meditating on the Merciful Lord, the Treasure of Mercy, I have obtained a seat in the Saadh Sangat. moih inrgux kau pRiB kInI dieAw ] I am worthless, but God has been kind to me. swDsMig nwnk nwmu lieAw ]4]22]91] In the Saadh Sangat, Nanak has taken to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||22||91|| |