satgur apunay sunee ardaas
BYrau mhlw 5 (1152-13)bhairo mehlaa 5 Bhairao, Fifth Mehl |
siqgur Apuny sunI Ardwis ] The True Guru has listened to my prayer. kwrju AwieAw sglw rwis ] All my affairs have been resolved. mn qn AMqir pRBU iDAwieAw ] Deep within my mind and body, I meditate on God. gur pUry fru sgl cukwieAw ]1] The Perfect Guru has dispelled all my fears. ||1|| sB qy vf smrQ gurdyv ] The All-powerful Divine Guru is the Greatest of all. siB suK pweI iqs kI syv ] rhwau ] Serving Him, I obtain all comforts. ||Pause|| jw kw kIAw sBu ikCu hoie ] Everything is done by Him. iqs kw Amru n mytY koie ] No one can erase His Eternal Decree. pwrbRhmu prmysru AnUpu ] The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, is incomparably beautiful. sPl mUriq guru iqs kw rUpu ]2] The Guru is the Image of Fulfillment, the Embodiment of the Lord. ||2|| jw kY AMqir bsY hir nwmu ] The Name of the Lord abides deep within him. jo jo pyKY su bRhm igAwnu ] Wherever he looks, he sees the Wisdom of God. bIs ibsuey jw kY min prgwsu ] His mind is totally enlightened and illuminated. iqsu jn kY pwrbRhm kw invwsu ]3] Within that person, the Supreme Lord God abides. ||3|| iqsu gur kau sd krI nmskwr ] I humbly bow to that Guru forever. iqsu gur kau sd jwau bilhwr ] I am forever a sacrifice to that Guru. siqgur ky crn Doie Doie pIvw ] I wash the feet of the Guru, and drink in this water. gur nwnk jip jip sd jIvw ]4]43]56] Chanting and meditating forever on Guru Nanak, I live. ||4||43||56|| |