satgur da-i-aa karahu har maylhu mayray pareetam paraan har raa-i-aa
rwmklI mhlw 4 (882-1)raamkalee mehlaa 4 Raamkalee, Fourth Mehl |
sqgur dieAw krhu hir mylhu myry pRIqm pRwx hir rwieAw ] O True Guru, please be kind, and unite me with the Lord. My Sovereign Lord is the Beloved of my breath of life. hm cyrI hoie lgh gur crxI ijin hir pRB mwrgu pMQu idKwieAw ]1] I am a slave; I fall at the Guru's feet. He has shown me the Path, the Way to my Lord God. ||1|| rwm mY hir hir nwmu min BwieAw ] The Name of my Lord, Har, Har, is pleasing to my mind. mY hir ibnu Avru n koeI bylI myrw ipqw mwqw hir sKwieAw ]1] rhwau ] I have no friend except the Lord; the Lord is my father, my mother, my companion. ||1||Pause|| myry ieku iKnu pRwn n rhih ibnu pRIqm ibnu dyKy mrih myrI mwieAw ] My breath of life will not survive for an instant, without my Beloved; unless I see Him, I will die, O my mother! Dnu Dnu vf Bwg gur srxI Awey hir gur imil drsnu pwieAw ]2] Blessed, blessed is my great, high destiny, that I have come to the Guru's Sanctuary. Meeting with the Guru, I have obtained the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||2|| mY Avru n koeI sUJY bUJY min hir jpu jpau jpwieAw ] I do not know or understand any other within my mind; I meditate and chant the Lord's Chant. nwmhIx iPrih sy nkty iqn Gis Gis nk vFwieAw ]3] Those who lack the Naam, wander in shame; their noses are chopped off, bit by bit. ||3|| mo kau jgjIvn jIvwil lY suAwmI ird AMqir nwmu vswieAw ] O Life of the World, rejuvenate me! O my Lord and Master, enshrine Your Name deep within my heart. nwnk gurU gurU hY pUrw imil siqgur nwmu iDAwieAw ]4]5] O Nanak, perfect is the Guru, the Guru. Meeting the True Guru, I meditate on the Naam. ||4||5|| |