santahu ghat ghat rahi-aa samaahi-o
soriT mhlw 5 Gru 2 dupdy (617-2)sorath mehlaa 5 ghar 2 dupday Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Du-Padas |
sgl bnspiq mih bYsMqru sgl dUD mih GIAw ] Fire is contained in all firewood, and butter is contained in all milk. aUc nIc mih joiq smwxI Git Git mwDau jIAw ]1] God's Light is contained in the high and the low; the Lord is in the hearts of all beings. ||1|| sMqhu Git Git rihAw smwihE ] O Saints, He is pervading and permeating each and every heart. pUrn pUir rihE srb mih jil Qil rmeIAw AwihE ]1] rhwau ] The Perfect Lord is completely permeating everyone, everywhere; He is diffused in the water and the land. ||1||Pause|| gux inDwn nwnku jsu gwvY siqguir Brmu cukwieE ] Nanak sings the Praises of the Lord, the treasure of excellence; the True Guru has dispelled his doubt. srb invwsI sdw Alypw sB mih rihAw smwieE ]2]1]29] The Lord is pervading everywhere, permeating all, and yet, He is unattached from all. ||2||1||29|| |