sagal sookh jap aykai naam
Awsw mhlw 5 (392-19)aasaa mehlaa 5 Aasaa, Fifth Meh: |
sgl sUK jip eykY nwm ] All peace and comforts are in the meditation of the One Name. sgl Drm hir ky gux gwm ] All righteous actions of Dharma are in the singing of the Lord's Glorious Praises. mhw pivqR swD kw sMgu ] The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is so very pure and sacred. ijsu Bytq lwgY pRB rMgu ]1] Meeting with them, love for God is embraced. ||1|| gur pRswid Eie Awn�d pwvY ] By Guru's Grace, bliss is obtained. ijsu ismrq min hoie pRgwsw qw kI giq imiq khnu n jwvY ]1] rhwau ] Meditating upon Him in remembrance, the mind is illumined; his state and condition cannot be described. ||1||Pause|| vrq nym mjn iqsu pUjw ] Fasts, religious vows, cleansing baths, and worship to Him; byd purwn iqin isMimRiq sunIjw ] listening to the Vedas, Puraanas, and Shaastras. mhw punIq jw kw inrml Qwnu ] Extremely pure is he, and immaculate is his place, swDsMgiq jw kY hir hir nwmu ]2] who meditates upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in the Saadh Sangat. ||2|| pRgitE so jnu sgly Bvn ] That humble being becomes renowned all over the world. piqq punIq qw kI pg ryn ] Even sinners are purified, by the dust of his feet. jw kau ByitE hir hir rwie ] One who has met the Lord, the Lord our King, qw kI giq imiq kQnu n jwie ]3] his condition and state cannot be described. ||3|| AwT phr kr joiV iDAwvau ] Twenty-four hours a day, with palms pressed together, I meditate; aun swDw kw drsnu pwvau ] I yearn to obtain the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of those Holy Saints. moih grIb kau lyhu rlwie ] Merge me, the poor one, with You, O Lord; nwnk Awie pey srxwie ]4]38]89] Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary. ||4||38||89|| |