kaaraj satgur aap savaari-aa
DnwsrI mhlw 4 (806-18)Dhanaasree mehlaa 4 Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl |
sgl An�du kIAw prmysir Apxw ibrdu sm@wirAw ] The Transcendent Lord has brought bliss to all; He has confirmed His Natural Way. swD jnw hoey ikrpwlw ibgsy siB prvwirAw ]1] He has become Merciful to the humble, holy Saints, and all my relatives blossom forth in joy. ||1|| kwrju siqguir Awip svwirAw ] The True Guru Himself has resolved my affairs. vfI Awrjw hir goibMd kI sUK mMgl kilAwx bIcwirAw ]1] rhwau ] He has blessed Hargobind with long life, and taken care of my comfort, happiness and well-being. ||1||Pause|| vx iqRx iqRBvx hirAw hoey sgly jIA swDwirAw ] The forests, meadows and the three worlds have blossomed forth in greenery; He gives His Support to all beings. mn ieCy nwnk Pl pwey pUrn ieC pujwirAw ]2]5]23] Nanak has obtained the fruits of his mind's desires; his desires are totally fulfilled. ||2||5||23|| |