daagay hohi so ran meh joojheh bin daagay bhag jaa-ee
rwmklI bwxI kbIr jIau(969-18)
raamkalee banee kabeer jee-o Raamkalee, The Word of Kabeer Jee |
sMqw mwnau dUqw fwnau ieh kutvwrI myrI ] I honor and obey the Saints, and punish the wicked; this is my duty as God's police officer. idvs rYin qyry pwau plosau kys cvr kir PyrI ]1] Day and night, I wash Your feet, Lord; I wave my hair as the chauree, to brush away the flies. ||1|| hm kUkr qyry drbwir ] I am a dog at Your Court, Lord. Baukih AwgY bdnu pswir ]1] rhwau ] I open my snout and bark before it. ||1||Pause|| pUrb jnm hm qum@ry syvk Ab qau imitAw n jweI ] In my past life, I was Your servant; now, I cannot leave You. qyry duAwrY Duin shj kI mwQY myry dgweI ]2] The celestial sound current resounds at Your Door. Your insignia is stamped upon my forehead. ||2|| dwgy hoih su rn mih jUJih ibnu dwgy Big jweI ] Those who are branded with Your brand fight bravely in battle; those without Your brand run away. swDU hoie su Bgiq pCwnY hir ley KjwnY pweI ]3] One who becomes a Holy person, appreciates the value of devotional worship to the Lord. The Lord places him in His treasury. ||3|| koTry mih koTrI prm koTI bIcwir ] In the fortress is the chamber; by contemplative meditation it becomes the supreme chamber. guir dInI bsqu kbIr kau lyvhu bsqu sm@wir ]4] The Guru has blessed Kabeer with the commodity, saying, "Take this commodity; cherish it and keep it secure."||4|| kbIir dIeI sMswr kau lInI ijsu msqik Bwgu ] Kabeer gives it to the world, but he alone receives it, upon whose forehead such destiny is recorded. AMimRq rsu ijin pwieAw iQru qw kw sohwgu ]5]4] Permanent is the marriage, of one who receives this ambrosial essence. ||5||4|| |