santan kai sunee-at parabh kee baat

iblwvlu mhlw 5(820-17)
bilaaval mehlaa 5
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl

sMqn kY sunIAq pRB kI bwq ]
santan kai sunee-at parabh kee baat.
I listen to God's Teachings from the Saints.

kQw kIrqnu Awn�d mMgl Duin pUir rhI idnsu Aru rwiq ]1] rhwau ]
kathaa keertan aanand mangal Dhun poor rahee dinas ar raat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord's Sermon, the Kirtan of His Praises and the songs of bliss perfectly resonate, day and night. ||1||Pause||

kir ikrpw Apny pRiB kIny nwm Apuny kI kInI dwiq ]
kar kirpaa apnay parabh keenay naam apunay kee keenee daat.
In His Mercy, God has made them His own, and blessed them with the gift of His Name.

AwT phr gun gwvq pRB ky kwm k®oD iesu qn qy jwq ]1]
aath pahar gun gaavat parabh kay kaam kroDh is tan tay jaat. ||1||
Twenty-four hours a day, I sing the Glorious Praises of God. Sexual desire and anger have left this body. ||1||

iqRpiq AGwey pyiK pRB drsnu AMimRq hir rsu Bojnu Kwq ]
taripat aghaa-ay paykh parabh darsan amrit har ras bhojan khaat.
I am satisfied and satiated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. I eat the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's sublime food.

crn srn nwnk pRB qyrI kir ikrpw sMqsMig imlwq ]2]4]84]
charan saran naanak parabh tayree kar kirpaa satsang milaat. ||2||4||84||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of Your Feet, O God; in Your Mercy, unite him with the Society of the Saints. ||2||4||84||