santan kai sunee-at parabh kee baat
iblwvlu mhlw 5 (820-17)bilaaval mehlaa 5 Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl |
sMqn kY sunIAq pRB kI bwq ] I listen to God's Teachings from the Saints. kQw kIrqnu Awn�d mMgl Duin pUir rhI idnsu Aru rwiq ]1] rhwau ] The Lord's Sermon, the Kirtan of His Praises and the songs of bliss perfectly resonate, day and night. ||1||Pause|| kir ikrpw Apny pRiB kIny nwm Apuny kI kInI dwiq ] In His Mercy, God has made them His own, and blessed them with the gift of His Name. AwT phr gun gwvq pRB ky kwm k®oD iesu qn qy jwq ]1] Twenty-four hours a day, I sing the Glorious Praises of God. Sexual desire and anger have left this body. ||1|| iqRpiq AGwey pyiK pRB drsnu AMimRq hir rsu Bojnu Kwq ] I am satisfied and satiated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. I eat the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's sublime food. crn srn nwnk pRB qyrI kir ikrpw sMqsMig imlwq ]2]4]84] Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of Your Feet, O God; in Your Mercy, unite him with the Society of the Saints. ||2||4||84|| |