santeh Dhoor lay mukh malee
kydwrw mhlw 5 (1121-16)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5 Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl |
sMqh DUir ly muiK mlI ] santeh Dhoor lay mukh malee. I take the dust of the feet of the Saints and apply it to my face. guxw Acuq sdw pUrn nh doK ibAwpih klI ] rhwau ] gunaa achut sadaa pooran nah dokh bi-aapahi kalee. rahaa-o. Hearing of the Imperishable, Eternally Perfect Lord, pain does not afflict me, even in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||Pause|| gur bcin kwrj srb pUrn eIq aUq n hlI ] gur bachan kaaraj sarab pooran eet oot na halee. Through the Guru's Word, all affairs are resolved, and the mind is not tossed about here and there. pRB eyk Aink srbq pUrn ibKY Agin n jlI ]1] parabh ayk anik sarbat pooran bikhai agan na jalee. ||1|| Whoever sees the One God to be pervading in all the many beings, does not burn in the fire of corruption. ||1|| gih Bujw lIno dwsu Apno joiq joqI rlI ] geh bhujaa leeno daas apno jot jotee ralee. The Lord grasps His slave by the arm, and his light merges into the Light. pRB crn srn AnwQu AwieE nwnk hir sMig clI ]2]6]14] parabh charan saran anaath aa-i-o naanak har sang chalee. ||2||6||14|| Nanak, the orphan, has come seeking the Sanctuary of God's Feet; O Lord, he walks with You. ||2||6||14|| |