sanch har Dhan pooj satgur chhod sagal vikaar
isrIrwgu mhlw 5 (51-7)sireeraag mehlaa 5 Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl |
sMic hir Dnu pUij siqguru Coif sgl ivkwr ] Gather in the Wealth of the Lord, worship the True Guru, and give up all your corrupt ways. ijin qUM swij svwirAw hir ismir hoie auDwru ]1] Meditate in remembrance on the Lord who created and adorned you, and you shall be saved. ||1|| jip mn nwmu eyku Apwru ] O mind, chant the Name of the One, the Unique and Infinite Lord. pRwn mnu qnu ijnih dIAw irdy kw AwDwru ]1] rhwau ] He gave you the praanaa, the breath of life, and your mind and body. He is the Support of the heart. ||1||Pause|| kwim k®oiD AhMkwir mwqy ivAwipAw sMswru ] The world is drunk, engrossed in sexual desire, anger and egotism. pau sMq srxI lwgu crxI imtY dUKu AMDwru ]2] Seek the Sanctuary of the Saints, and fall at their feet; your suffering and darkness shall be removed. ||2|| squ sMqoKu dieAw kmwvY eyh krxI swr ] Practice truth, contentment and kindness; this is the most excellent way of life. Awpu Coif sB hoie ryxw ijsu dyie pRBu inrMkwru ]3] One who is so blessed by the Formless Lord God renounces selfishness, and becomes the dust of all. ||3|| jo dIsY so sgl qUMhY psirAw pwswru ] All that is seen is You, Lord, the expansion of the expanse. khu nwnk guir Brmu kwitAw sgl bRhm bIcwru ]4]25]95] Says Nanak, the Guru has removed my doubts; I recognize God in all. ||4||25||95|| |