sun meetaa Dhooree ka-o bal jaa-ee
soriT mhlw 5 Gru 2 caupdy (611-19)sorath mehlaa 5 ghar 2 cha-upday Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Chau-Padas |
eyku ipqw eyks ky hm bwirk qU myrw gur hweI ] The One God is our father; we are the children of the One God. You are our Guru. suix mIqw jIau hmwrw bil bil jwsI hir drsnu dyhu idKweI ]1] Listen, friends: my soul is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You; O Lord, reveal to me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1|| suix mIqw DUrI kau bil jweI ] Listen, friends: I am a sacrifice to the dust of Your feet. iehu mnu qyrw BweI ] rhwau ] This mind is yours, O Siblings of Destiny. ||Pause|| pwv mlovw mil mil Dovw iehu mnu qY kU dysw ] I wash your feet, I massage and clean them; I give this mind to you. suix mIqw hau qyrI srxweI AwieAw pRB imlau dyhu aupdysw ]2] Listen, friends: I have come to Your Sanctuary; teach me, that I might unite with God. ||2|| mwnu n kIjY srix prIjY krY su Blw mnweIAY ] Do not be proud; seek His Sanctuary, and accept as good all that He does. suix mIqw jIau ipMfu sBu qnu ArpIjY ieau drsnu hir jIau pweIAY ]3] Listen, friends: dedicate your soul, body and your whole being to Him; thus you shall receive the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||3|| BieE AnugRhu pRswid sMqn kY hir nwmw hY mITw ] He has shown mercy to me, by the Grace of the Saints; the Lord's Name is sweet to me. jn nwnk kau guir ikrpw DwrI sBu Akul inrMjnu fITw ]4]1]12] The Guru has shown mercy to servant Nanak; I see the casteless, immaculate Lord everywhere. ||4||1||12|| |