ik pachhaanoo jee-a kaa iko rakhanhaar

isrIrwgu mhlw 5(45-6)
sireeraag mehlaa 5
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl

ieku pCwxU jIA kw ieko rKxhwru ]
ik pachhaanoo jee-a kaa iko rakhanhaar.
The One is the Knower of all beings; He alone is our Savior.

ieks kw min Awsrw ieko pRwx ADwru ]
ikas kaa man aasraa iko paraan aDhaar.
The One is the Support of the mind; the One is the Support of the breath of life.

iqsu srxweI sdw suKu pwrbRhmu krqwru ]1]
tis sarnaa-ee sadaa sukh paarbarahm kartaar. ||1||
In His Sanctuary there is eternal peace. He is the Supreme Lord God, the Creator. ||1||

mn myry sgl aupwv iqAwgu ]
man mayray sagal upaav ti-aag.
O my mind, give up all these efforts.

guru pUrw AwrwiD inq ieksu kI ilv lwgu ]1] rhwau ]
gur pooraa aaraaDh nit ikas kee liv laag. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dwell upon the Perfect Guru each day, and attach yourself to the One Lord. ||1||Pause||

ieko BweI imqu ieku ieko mwq ipqw ]
iko bhaa-ee mit ik iko maat pitaa.
The One is my Brother, the One is my Friend. The One is my Mother and Father.

ieks kI min tyk hY ijin jIau ipMfu idqw ]
ikas kee man tayk hai jin jee-o pind ditaa.
The One is the Support of the mind; He has given us body and soul.

so pRBu mnhu n ivsrY ijin sBu ikCu vis kIqw ]2]
so parabh manhu na visrai jin sabh kichh vas keetaa. ||2||
May I never forget God from my mind; He holds all in the Power of His Hands. ||2||

Gir ieko bwhir ieko Qwn Qn�qir Awip ]
ghar iko baahar iko thaan thanantar aap.
The One is within the home of the self, and the One is outside as well. He Himself is in all places and interspaces.

jIA jMq siB ijin kIey AwT phr iqsu jwip ]
jee-a jant sabh jin kee-ay aath pahar tis jaap.
Meditate twenty-four hours a day on the One who created all beings and creatures.

ieksu syqI riqAw n hovI sog sMqwpu ]3]
ikas saytee rati-aa na hovee sog santaap. ||3||
Attuned to the Love of the One, there is no sorrow or suffering. ||3||

pwrbRhmu pRBu eyku hY dUjw nwhI koie ]
paarbarahm parabh ayk hai doojaa naahee ko-ay.
There is only the One Supreme Lord God; there is no other at all.

jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kw jo iqsu BwvY su hoie ]
jee-o pind sabh tis kaa jo tis bhaavai so ho-ay.
Soul and body all belong to Him; whatever pleases His Will comes to pass.

guir pUrY pUrw BieAw jip nwnk scw soie ]4]9]79]
gur poorai pooraa bha-i-aa jap naanak sachaa so-ay. ||4||9||79||
Through the Perfect Guru, one becomes perfect; O Nanak, meditate on the True One. ||4||9||79||