man ray ahinis har gun saar
isrIrwgu mhlw 1 (21-14)sireeraag mehlaa 1 Siree Raag, First Mehl |
ieku iqlu ipAwrw vIsrY rogu vfw mn mwih ] Forgetting the Beloved, even for a moment, the mind is afflicted with terrible diseases. ikau drgh piq pweIAY jw hir n vsY mn mwih ] How can honor be attained in His Court, if the Lord does not dwell in the mind? guir imilAY suKu pweIAY Agin mrY gux mwih ]1] Meeting with the Guru, peace is found. The fire is extinguished in His Glorious Praises. ||1|| mn ry Aihinis hir gux swir ] O mind, enshrine the Praises of the Lord, day and night. ijn iKnu plu nwmu n vIsrY qy jn ivrly sMswir ]1] rhwau ] One who does not forget the Naam, for a moment or even an instant-how rare is such a person in this world! ||1||Pause|| joqI joiq imlweIAY surqI suriq sMjogu ] When one's light merges into the Light, and one's intuitive consciousness is joined with the Intuitive Consciousness, ihMsw haumY gqu gey nwhI shsw sogu ] then one's cruel and violent instincts and egotism depart, and skepticism and sorrow are taken away. gurmuiK ijsu hir min vsY iqsu myly guru sMjogu ]2] The Lord abides within the mind of the Gurmukh, who merges in the Lord's Union, through the Guru. ||2|| kwieAw kwmix jy krI Bogy Bogxhwru ] If I surrender my body like a bride, the Enjoyer will enjoy me. iqsu isau nyhu n kIjeI jo dIsY clxhwru ] Do not make love with one who is just a passing show. gurmuiK rvih sohwgxI so pRBu syj Bqwru ]3] The Gurmukh is ravished like the pure and happy bride on the Bed of God, her Husband. ||3|| cwry Agin invwir mru gurmuiK hir jlu pwie ] The Gurmukh puts out the four fires, with the Water of the Lord's Name. AMqir kmlu pRgwisAw AMimRqu BirAw AGwie ] The lotus blossoms deep within the heart, and filled with Ambrosial Nectar, one is satisfied. nwnk sqguru mIqu kir scu pwvih drgh jwie ]4]20] O Nanak, make the True Guru your friend; going to His Court, you shall obtain the True Lord. ||4||20|| |