ik gharhee dinas mo ka-o bahut dihaaray
Awsw mhlw 5 iekquky caupdy (374-18)aasaa mehlaa 5 iktukay cha-upday Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Ik-Tukas, Chau-Padas |
iek GVI idnsu mo kau bhuqu idhwry ] One moment, one day, is for me many days. mnu n rhY kYsy imlau ipAwry ]1] My mind cannot survive - how can I meet my Beloved? ||1|| ieku plu idnsu mo kau kbhu n ibhwvY ] I cannot endure one day, even one instant without Him. drsn kI min Aws GnyrI koeI AYsw sMqu mo kau iprih imlwvY ]1] rhwau ] My mind's desire for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is so great. Is there any Saint who can lead me to meet my Beloved? ||1||Pause|| cwir phr chu jugh smwny ] The four watches of the day are like the four ages. rYix BeI qb AMqu n jwny ]2] And when night comes, I think that it shall never end. ||2|| pMc dUq imil iprhu ivCoVI ] The five demons have joined together, to separate me from my Husband Lord. BRim BRim rovY hwQ pCoVI ]3] Wandering and rambling, I cry out and wring my hands. ||3|| jn nwnk kau hir drsu idKwieAw ] The Lord has revealed the Blessed Vision of His Darshan to servant Nanak; Awqmu cIin@ prm suKu pwieAw ]4]15] realizing his own self, he has obtained supreme peace. ||4||15|| |