ih man girhee ke ih man udaasee
mlwr mhlw 3 Gru 2 (1261-4)malaar mehlaa 3 ghar 2 Malaar, Third Mehl, Second House |
iehu mnu igrhI ik iehu mnu audwsI ] Is this mind a householder, or is this mind a detached renunciate? ik iehu mnu Avrnu sdw AivnwsI ] Is this mind beyond social class, eternal and unchanging? ik iehu mnu cMclu ik iehu mnu bYrwgI ] Is this mind fickle, or is this mind detached? iesu mn kau mmqw ikQhu lwgI ]1] How has this mind been gripped by possessiveness? ||1|| pMifq iesu mn kw krhu bIcwru ] O Pandit, O religious scholar, reflect on this in your mind. Avru ik bhuqw pVih auTwvih Bwru ]1] rhwau ] Why do you read so many other things, and carry such a heavy load? ||1||Pause|| mwieAw mmqw krqY lweI ] The Creator has attached it to Maya and possessiveness. eyhu hukmu kir isRsit aupweI ] Enforcing His Order, He created the world. gur prswdI bUJhu BweI ] By Guru's Grace, understand this, O Siblings of Destiny. sdw rhhu hir kI srxweI ]2] Remain forever in the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||2|| so pMifqu jo iqhW guxw kI pMf auqwrY ] He alone is a Pandit, who sheds the load of the three qualities. Anidnu eyko nwmu vKwxY ] Night and day, he chants the Name of the One Lord. siqgur kI Ehu dIiKAw lyie ] He accepts the Teachings of the True Guru. siqgur AwgY sIsu Dryie ] He offers his head to the True Guru. sdw Algu rhY inrbwxu ] He remains forever unattached in the state of Nirvaanaa. so pMifqu drgh prvwxu ]3] Such a Pandit is accepted in the Court of the Lord. ||3|| sBnW mih eyko eyku vKwxY ] He preaches that the One Lord is within all beings. jW eyko vyKY qW eyko jwxY ] As he sees the One Lord, he knows the One Lord. jw kau bKsy myly soie ] That person, whom the Lord forgives, is united with Him. AYQY EQY sdw suKu hoie ]4] He finds eternal peace, here and hereafter. ||4|| khq nwnku kvn ibiD kry ikAw koie ] Says Nanak, what can anyone do? soeI mukiq jw kau ikrpw hoie ] He alone is liberated, whom the Lord blesses with His Grace. Anidnu hir gux gwvY soie ] Night and day, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. swsqR byd kI iPir kUk n hoie ]5]1]10] Then, he no longer bothers with the proclamations of the Shaastras or the Vedas. ||5||1||10|| |