so Dhan vakhar naam ridai hamaarai
mwrU mhlw 1 (991-11)maaroo mehlaa 1 Maaroo, First Mehl |
iehu Dnu srb rihAw BrpUir ] This wealth is all-pervading, permeating all. mnmuK iPrih is jwxih dUir ]1] The self-willed manmukh wanders around, thinking that it is far away. ||1|| so Dnu vKru nwmu irdY hmwrY ] That commodity, the wealth of the Naam, is within my heart. ijsu qU dyih iqsY insqwrY ]1] rhwau ] Whoever You bless with it, is emancipated. ||1||Pause|| n iehu Dnu jlY n qskru lY jwie ] This wealth does not burn; it cannot be stolen by a thief. n iehu Dnu fUbY n iesu Dn kau imlY sjwie ]2] This wealth does not drown, and its owner is never punished. ||2|| iesu Dn kI dyKhu vifAweI ] Gaze upon the glorious greatness of this wealth, shjy mwqy Anidnu jweI ]3] and your nights and days will pass, imbued with celestial peace. ||3|| iek bwq AnUp sunhu nr BweI ] Listen to this incomparably beautiful story, O my brothers, O Siblings of Destiny. iesu Dn ibnu khhu iknY prm giq pweI ]4] Tell me, without this wealth, who has ever obtained the supreme status? ||4|| Bxiq nwnku AkQ kI kQw suxwey ] Nanak humbly prays, I proclaim the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. siqguru imlY q iehu Dnu pwey ]5]8] If one meets the True Guru, then this wealth is obtained. ||5||8|| |