is paanee tay jin too ghari-aa
rwmklI mhlw 5 (913-7)raamkalee mehlaa 5 Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl |
iesu pwnI qy ijin qU GirAw ] He created you out of this water. mwtI kw ly dyhurw kirAw ] From clay, He fashioned your body. aukiq joiq lY suriq prIiKAw ] He blessed you with the light of reason and clear consciousness. mwq grB mih ijin qU rwiKAw ]1] In your mother's womb, He preserved you. ||1|| rwKnhwru smHwir jnw ] Contemplate your Savior Lord. sgly Coif bIcwr mnw ]1] rhwau ] Give up all others thoughts, O mind. ||1||Pause|| ijin dIey quDu bwp mhqwrI ] He gave you your mother and father; ijin dIey BRwq puq hwrI ] he gave you your charming children and siblings; ijin dIey quDu binqw Aru mIqw ] he gave you your spouse and friends; iqsu Twkur kau riK lyhu cIqw ]2] enshrine that Lord and Master in your consciousness. ||2|| ijin dIAw quDu pvnu Amolw ] He gave you the invaluable air; ijin dIAw quDu nIru inrmolw ] He gave you the priceless water; ijin dIAw quDu pwvku blnw ] He gave you burning fire; iqsu Twkur kI rhu mn srnw ]3] let your mind remain in the Sanctuary of that Lord and Master. ||3|| CqIh AMimRq ijin Bojn dIey ] He gave you the thirty-six varieties of tasty foods; AMqir Qwn Thrwvn kau kIey ] He gave you a place within to hold them; bsuDw dIE brqin blnw ] He gave you the earth, and things to use; iqsu Twkur ky iciq rKu crnw ]4] enshrine in your consciousness the feet of that Lord and Master. ||4|| pyKn kau nyqR sunn kau krnw ] He gave you eyes to see, and ears to hear; hsq kmwvn bwsn rsnw ] He gave you hands to work with, and a nose and a tongue; crn cln kau isru kIno myrw ] He gave you feet to walk upon, and the crowning glory of your head; mn iqsu Twkur ky pUjhu pYrw ]5] O mind, worship the Feet of that Lord and Master. ||5|| ApivqR pivqRü ijin qU kirAw ] He transformed you from impure to pure; sgl join mih qU isir DirAw ] He installed you above the heads of all creatures; Ab qU sIJu BwvY nhI sIJY ] now, you may fulfill your destiny or not; kwrju svrY mn pRBu iDAweIjY ]6] Your affairs shall be resolved, O mind, meditating on God. ||6|| eIhw aUhw eykY EhI ] Here and there, only the One God exists. jq kq dyKIAY qq qq qohI ] Wherever I look, there You are. iqsu syvq min Awlsu krY ] My mind is reluctant to serve Him; ijsu ivsirAY iek inmK n srY ]7] forgetting Him, I cannot survive, even for an instant. ||7|| hm AprwDI inrgunIAwry ] I am a sinner, without any virtue at all. nw ikCu syvw nw krmwry ] I do not serve You, or do any good deeds. guru boihQu vfBwgI imilAw ] By great good fortune, I have found the boat - the Guru. nwnk dws sMig pwQr qirAw ]8]2] Slave Nanak has crossed over, with Him. ||8||2|| |