aiso sahaa-ee har ko naam
mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 (986-19)maalee ga-urhaa mehlaa 5 Maalee Gauraa, Fifth Mehl |
AYso shweI hir ko nwm ] This is the sort of helper the Name of the Lord is. swDsMgiq Bju pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ] Meditating in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one's affairs are perfectly resolved. ||1||Pause|| bUfq kau jYsy byVI imlq ] It is like a boat to a drowning man. bUJq dIpk imlq iqlq ] It is like oil to the lamp whose flame is dying out. jlq AgnI imlq nIr ] It is like water poured on the burning fire. jYsy bwirk muKih KIr ]1] It is like milk poured into the baby's mouth. ||1|| jYsy rx mih sKw BRwq ] As one's brother becomes a helper on the field of battle; jYsy BUKy Bojn mwq ] as one's hunger is satisfied by food; jYsy ikrKih brs myG ] as the cloudburst saves the crops; jYsy pwln srin syNG ]2] as one is protected in the tiger's lair;||2|| gruV muiK nhI srp qRws ] As with the magic spell of Garuda the eagle upon one's lips, one does not fear the snake; sUAw ipMjir nhI Kwie iblwsu ] as the cat cannot eat the parrot in its cage; jYso AWfo ihrdy mwih ] as the bird cherishes her eggs in her heart; jYso dwno ckI drwih ]3] as the grains are spared, by sticking to the central post of the mill;||3|| bhuqu Epmw Qor khI ] Your Glory is so great; I can describe only a tiny bit of it. hir Agm Agm AgwiD quhI ] O Lord, You are inaccessible, unapproachable and unfathomable. aUc mUcO bhu Apwr ] You are lofty and high, utterly great and infinite. ismrq nwnk qry swr ]4]3] Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, O Nanak, one is carried across. ||4||3|| |