aavhu sant milhu mayray bhaa-ee mil har har kathaa karahu
iblwvlu mhlw 4 (799-18)bilaaval mehlaa 4 Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl |
Awvhu sMq imlhu myry BweI imil hir hir kQw krhu ] Come, O Saints, and join together, O my Siblings of Destiny; let us tell the Stories of the Lord, Har, Har. hir hir nwmu boihQu hY kljuig Kyvtu gur sbid qrhu ]1] The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the boat in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga; the Word of the Guru's Shabad is the boatman to ferry us across. ||1|| myry mn hir gux hir aucrhu ] O my mind, chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord. msqik ilKq ilKy gun gwey imil sMgiq pwir prhu ]1] rhwau ] According to the pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon your forehead, sing the Praises of the Lord; join the Holy Congregation, and cross over the world-ocean. ||1||Pause|| kwieAw ngr mih rwm rsu aUqmu ikau pweIAY aupdysu jn krhu ] Within the body-village is the Lord's supreme, sublime essence. How can I obtain it? Teach me, O humble Saints. siqguru syiv sPl hir drsnu imil AMimRqu hir rsu pIAhu ]2] Serving the True Guru, you shall obtain the Fruitful Vision of the Lord's Darshan; meeting Him, drink in the ambrosial essence of the Lord's Nectar. ||2|| hir hir nwmu AMimRqu hir mITw hir sMqhu cwiK idKhu ] The Ambrosial Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is so sweet; O Saints of the Lord, taste it, and see. gurmiq hir rsu mITw lwgw iqn ibsry siB ibK rshu ]3] Under Guru's Instruction, the Lord's essence seems so sweet; through it, all corrupt sensual pleasures are forgotten. ||3|| rwm nwmu rsu rwm rswiexu hir syvhu sMq jnhu ] The Name of the Lord is the medicine to cure all diseases; so serve the Lord, O humble Saints. cwir pdwrQ cwry pwey gurmiq nwnk hir Bjhu ]4]4] The four great blessings are obtained, O Nanak, by vibrating upon the Lord, under Guru's Instruction. ||4||4|| |