aagai sukh mayray meetaa
soriT mhlw 5 (629-18)sorath mehlaa 5 Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl |
AwgY suKu myry mIqw ] Peace in this world, O my friends, pwCy Awndu pRiB kIqw ] and bliss in the world hereafter - God has given me this. prmysuir bxq bxweI ] The Transcendent Lord has arranged these arrangements; iPir folq kqhU nwhI ]1] I shall never waver again. ||1|| swcy swihb isau mnu mwinAw ] My mind is pleased with the True Lord Master. hir srb inrMqir jwinAw ]1] rhwau ] I know the Lord to be pervading all. ||1||Pause|| sB jIA qyry dieAwlw ] All beings are Yours, O Merciful Lord. Apny Bgq krih pRiqpwlw ] You cherish Your devotees. Acrju qyrI vifAweI ] Your glorious greatness is wonderful and marvellous. inq nwnk nwmu iDAweI ]2]23]87] Nanak ever meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||23||87|| |