saree raam naamaa uchar manaa
gauVI cyqI mhlw 1 (155-10)ga-orhee chaytee mehlaa 1 Gauree Chaytee, First Mehl |
Avir pMc hm eyk jnw ikau rwKau Gr bwru mnw ] There are five of them, but I am all alone. How can I protect my hearth and home, O my mind? mwrih lUtih nIq nIq iksu AwgY krI pukwr jnw ]1] They are beating and plundering me over and over again; unto whom can I complain? ||1|| sRI rwm nwmw aucru mnw ] Chant the Name of the Supreme Lord, O my mind. AwgY jm dlu ibKmu Gnw ]1] rhwau ] Otherwise, in the world hereafter, you will have to face the awesome and cruel army of Death. ||1||Pause|| auswir mVolI rwKY duAwrw BIqir bYTI sw Dnw ] God has erected the temple of the body; He has placed the nine doors, and the soul-bride sits within. AMimRq kyl kry inq kwmix Avir lutyin su pMc jnw ]2] She enjoys the sweet play again and again, while the five demons are plundering her. ||2|| Fwih mVolI lUitAw dyhurw sw Dn pkVI eyk jnw ] In this way, the temple is being demolished; the body is being plundered, and the soul-bride, left all alone, is captured. jm fMfw gil sMglu piVAw Bwig gey sy pMc jnw ]3] Death strikes her down with his rod, the shackles are placed around her neck, and now the five have left. ||3|| kwmix loVY suienw rupw imqR luVyin su KwDwqw ] The wife yearns for gold and silver, and her friends, the senses, yearn for good food. nwnk pwp kry iqn kwrix jwsI jmpuir bwDwqw ]4]2]14] O Nanak, she commits sins for their sake; she shall go, bound and gagged, to the City of Death. ||4||2||14|| |