ab mohi jalat raam jal paa-i-aa
gauVI guAwryrI sRI kbIr jIau ky caupdy 14 (323-13)ga-orhee gu-aarayree saree kabeer jee-o kay cha-upday 14 Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourteen Chau-Padas Of Kabeer Jee |
Ab moih jlq rwm jlu pwieAw ] I was on fire, but now I have found the Water of the Lord's Name. rwm audik qnu jlq buJwieAw ]1] rhwau ] This Water of the Lord's Name has cooled my burning body. ||1||Pause|| mnu mwrx kwrix bn jweIAY ] To subdue their minds, some go off into the forests; so jlu ibnu BgvMq n pweIAY ]1] but that Water is not found without the Lord God. ||1|| ijh pwvk suir nr hY jwry ] That fire has consumed angels and mortal beings, rwm audik jn jlq aubwry ]2] but the Water of the Lord's Name saves His humble servants from burning. ||2|| Bv swgr suK swgr mwhI ] In the terrifying world-ocean, there is an ocean of peace. pIiv rhy jl inKutq nwhI ]3] I continue to drink it in, but this Water is never exhausted. ||3|| kih kbIr Bju swirMgpwnI ] Says Kabeer, meditate and vibrate upon the Lord, like the rainbird remembering the water. rwm audik myrI iqKw buJwnI ]4]1] The Water of the Lord's Name has quenched my thirst. ||4||1|| |