ab mohi sarab upaav birkaatay
swrg mhlw 5 (1209-10)saarag mehlaa 5 Saarang, Fifth Mehl |
Ab moih srb aupwv ibrkwqy ] Now I have abandoned all efforts and devices. krx kwrx smrQ suAwmI hir eyksu qy myrI gwqy ]1] rhwau ] My Lord and Master is the All-powerful Creator, the Cause of causes, my only Saving Grace. ||1||Pause|| dyKy nwnw rUp bhu rMgw An nwhI qum BWqy ] I have seen numerous forms of incomparable beauty, but nothing is like You. dyNih ADwru srb kau Twkur jIA pRwn suKdwqy ]1] You give Your Support to all, O my Lord and Master; You are the Giver of peace, of the soul and the breath of life. ||1|| BRmqO BRmqO hwir jau pirE qau gur imil crn prwqy ] Wandering, wandering, I grew so tired; meeting the Guru, I fell at His Feet. khu nwnk mY srb suKu pwieAw ieh sUiK ibhwnI rwqy ]2]3]26] Says Nanak, I have found total peace; this life-night of mine passes in peace. ||2||3||26|| |