ab poochhay ki-aa kahaa
swrg mhlw 5 (1203-11)saarag mehlaa 5 Saarang, Fifth Mehl |
Ab pUCy ikAw khw ] Now if he is asked, what can he say? lYno nwmu AMimRq rsu nIko bwvr ibKu isau gih rhw ]1] rhwau ] He was supposed to have gathered the sublime essence of the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, but instead, the mad-man was busy with poison. ||1||Pause|| dulB jnmu icrMkwl pwieE jwqau kaufI bdlhw ] This human life, so difficult to obtain, was finally obtained after such a long time. He is losing it in exchange for a shell. kwQUrI ko gwhku AwieE lwidE kwlr ibrK ijvhw ]1] He came to buy musk, but instead, he has loaded dust and thistle grass. ||1|| AwieE lwBu lwBn kY qweI mohin TwgaurI isau auliJ phw ] He comes in search of profits, but he is entangled in the enticing illusion of Maya. kwc bwdrY lwlu KoeI hY iPir iehu Aausru kid lhw ]2] He loses the jewel, in exchange for mere glass. When will he have this blessed opportunity again? ||2|| sgl prwD eyku guxu nwhI Twkuru Cofh dwis Bjhw ] He is full of sins, and he has not even one redeeming virtue. Forsaking his Lord and Master, he is involved with Maya, God's slave. AweI msit jVvq kI inAweI ijau qskru dir sWin@hw ]3] And when the final silence comes, like inanimate matter, he is caught like a thief at the door. ||3|| Awn aupwau n koaU sUJY hir dwsw srxI pir rhw ] I cannot see any other way out. I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord's slaves. khu nwnk qb hI mn CutIAY jau sgly Aaugn myit Drhw ]4]4] Says Nanak, the mortal is emancipated, only when all his demerits and faults are erased and eradicated. ||4||4|| |