ab ham chalee thaakur peh haar
dyvgMDwrI (527-15)dayvganDhaaree Dayv-Gandhaaree |
Ab hm clI Twkur pih hwir ] Now, I have come, exhausted, to my Lord and Master. jb hm srix pRBU kI AweI rwKu pRBU BwvY mwir ]1] rhwau ] Now that I have come seeking Your Sanctuary, God, please, either save me, or kill me. ||1||Pause|| lokn kI cqurweI aupmw qy bYsMqir jwir ] I have burnt in the fire the clever devices and praises of the world. koeI Blw khau BwvY burw khau hm qnu dIE hY Fwir ]1] Some speak good of me, and some speak ill of me, but I have surrendered my body to You. ||1|| jo Awvq srix Twkur pRBu qumrI iqsu rwKhu ikrpw Dwir ] Whoever comes to Your Sanctuary, O God, Lord and Master, You save by Your Merciful Grace. jn nwnk srix qumwrI hir jIau rwKhu lwj murwir ]2]4] Servant Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary, Dear Lord; O Lord, please, protect his honor! ||2||4|| |