apunay thaakur kee ha-o chayree
rwgu swrg caupdy mhlw 1 Gru 1 (1197-4)raag saarag cha-upday mehlaa 1 ghar 1 Raag Saarang, Chau-Padas, First Mehl, First House |
Apuny Twkur kI hau cyrI ] I am the hand-maiden of my Lord and Master. crn ghy jgjIvn pRB ky haumY mwir inbyrI ]1] rhwau ] I have grasped the Feet of God, the Life of the world. He has killed and eradicated my egotism. ||1||Pause|| pUrn prm joiq prmysr pRIqm pRwn hmwry ] He is the Perfect, Supreme Light, the Supreme Lord God, my Beloved, my Breath of Life. mohn moih lIAw mnu myrw smJis sbdu bIcwry ]1] The Fascinating Lord has fascinated my mind; contemplating the Word of the Shabad, I have come to understand. ||1|| mnmuK hIn hoCI miq JUTI min qin pIr srIry ] The worthless self-willed manmukh, with false and shallow understanding - his mind and body are held in pain's grip. jb kI rwm rMgIlY rwqI rwm jpq mn DIry ]2] Since I came to be imbued with the Love of my Beautiful Lord, I meditate on the Lord, and my mind is encouraged. ||2|| haumY Coif BeI bYrwgin qb swcI suriq smwnI ] Abandoning egotism, I have become detached. And now, I absorb true intuitive understanding. Akul inrMjn isau mnu mwinAw ibsrI lwj luokwnI ]3] The mind is pleased and appeased by the Pure, Immaculate Lord; the opinions of other people are irrelevant. ||3|| BUr BivK nwhI qum jYsy myry pRIqm pRwn ADwrw ] There is no other like You, in the past or in the future, O my Beloved, my Breath of Life, my Support. hir kY nwim rqI sohwgin nwnk rwm Bqwrw ]4]1] The soul-bride is imbued with the Name of the Lord; O Nanak, the Lord is her Husband. ||4||1|| |