apunay sayvak kee aapay raakhai aapay naam japaavai

Awsw mhlw 5 (403-14)
aasaa mehlaa 5
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl

Apuny syvk kI Awpy rwKY Awpy nwmu jpwvY ]
apunay sayvak kee aapay raakhai aapay naam japaavai.
He Himself preserves His servants; He causes them to chant His Name.

jh jh kwj ikriq syvk kI qhw qhw auiT DwvY ]1]
jah jah kaaj kirat sayvak kee tahaa tahaa uth Dhaavai. ||1||
Wherever the business and affairs of His servants are, there the Lord hurries to be. ||1||

syvk kau inktI hoie idKwvY ]
sayvak ka-o niktee ho-ay dikhaavai.
The Lord appears near at hand to His servant.

jo jo khY Twkur pih syvku qqkwl hoie AwvY ]1] rhwau ]
jo jo kahai thaakur peh sayvak tatkaal ho-ay aavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever the servant asks of his Lord and Master, immediately comes to pass. ||1||Pause||

iqsu syvk kY hau bilhwrI jo Apny pRB BwvY ]
tis sayvak kai ha-o balihaaree jo apnay parabh bhaavai.
I am a sacrifice to that servant, who is pleasing to his God.

iqs kI soie suxI mnu hirAw iqsu nwnk prsix AwvY ]2]7]129]
tis kee so-ay sunee man hari-aa tis naanak parsan aavai. ||2||7||129||
Hearing of his glory, the mind is rejuvenated; Nanak comes to touch his feet. ||2||7||129||