anoop padaarath naam sunhu sagal Dhi-aa-ilay meetaa
gauVI mhlw 5 (208-8)ga-orhee mehlaa 5 Gauree, Fifth Mehl |
AnUp pdwrQu nwmu sunhu sgl iDAwiely mIqw ] The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is an incomparably beautiful treasure. Listen, everyone, and meditate on it, O friends. hir AauKDu jw kau guir dIAw qw ky inrml cIqw ]1] rhwau ] Those, unto whom the Guru has given the Lord's medicine - their minds become pure and immaculate. ||1||Pause|| AMDkwru imitE iqh qn qy guir sbid dIpku prgwsw ] Darkness is dispelled from within that body, in which the Divine Light of the Guru's Shabad shines. BRm kI jwlI qw kI kwtI jw kau swDsMgiq ibsÍwsw ]1] The noose of doubt is cut away from those who place their faith in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1|| qwrIly Bvjlu qwrU ibKVw boihQ swDU sMgw ] The treacherous and terrifying world-ocean is crossed over, in the boat of the Saadh Sangat. pUrn hoeI mn kI Awsw guru ByitE hir rMgw ]2] My mind's desires are fulfilled, meeting the Guru, in love with the Lord. ||2|| nwm Kjwnw BgqI pwieAw mn qn iqRpiq AGwey ] The devotees have found the treasure of the Naam; their minds and bodies are satisfied and satiated. nwnk hir jIau qw kau dyvY jw kau hukmu mnwey ]3]12]133] O Nanak, the Dear Lord gives it only to those who surrender to the Lord's Command. ||3||12||133|| |