man mayray gahu har naam kaa olaa
gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 (178-18)ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5 Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl |
Aink jqn nhI hoq Cutwrw ] By all sorts of efforts, people do not find salvation. bhuqu isAwxp Awgl Bwrw ] Through clever tricks, the weight is only piled on more and more. hir kI syvw inrml hyq ] Serving the Lord with a pure heart, pRB kI drgh soBw syq ]1] you shall be received with honor at God's Court. ||1|| mn myry ghu hir nwm kw Elw ] O my mind, hold tight to the Support of the Lord's Name. quJY n lwgY qwqw Jolw ]1] rhwau ] The hot winds shall never even touch you. ||1||Pause|| ijau boihQu BY swgr mwih ] Like a boat in the ocean of fear; AMDkwr dIpk dIpwih ] like a lamp which illumines the darkness; Agin sIq kw lwhis dUK ] like fire which takes away the pain of cold nwmu jpq min hovq sUK ]2] - just so, chanting the Name, the mind becomes peaceful. ||2|| auqir jwie qyry mn kI ipAws ] The thirst of your mind shall be quenched, pUrn hovY sglI Aws ] and all hopes shall be fulfilled. folY nwhI qumrw cIqu ] Your consciousness shall not waver. AMimRq nwmu jip gurmuiK mIq ]3] Meditate on the Ambrosial Naam as Gurmukh, O my friend. ||3|| nwmu AauKDu soeI jnu pwvY ] He alone receives the panacea, the medicine of the Naam, kir ikrpw ijsu Awip idvwvY ] unto whom the Lord, in His Grace, bestows it. hir hir nwmu jw kY ihrdY vsY ] One whose heart is filled with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har dUKu drdu iqh nwnk nsY ]4]10]79] - O Nanak, his pains and sorrows are eliminated. ||4||10||79|| |