aavhu sant paraan sukh-daatay simreh parabh abhinaasee
swrg mhlw 5 (1206-2)saarag mehlaa 5 Saarang, Fifth Mehl |
Anidnu rwm ky gux khIAY ] Night and day, utter the Glorious Praises of the Lord. sgl pdwrQ srb sUK isiD mn bWCq Pl lhIAY ]1] rhwau ] You shall obtain all wealth, all pleasures and successes, and the fruits of your mind's desires. ||1||Pause|| Awvhu sMq pRwn suKdwqy ismrh pRBu AibnwsI ] Come, O Saints, let us meditate in remembrance on God; He is the Eternal, Imperishable Giver of Peace and Praanaa, the Breath of Life. AnwQh nwQu dIn duK BMjn pUir rihE Gt vwsI ]1] Master of the masterless, Destroyer of the pains of the meek and the poor; He is All-pervading and permeating, abiding in all hearts. ||1|| gwvq sunq sunwvq srDw hir rsu pI vfBwgy ] The very fortunate ones drink in the Sublime Essence of the Lord, singing, reciting and listening to the Lord's Praises. kil klys imty siB qn qy rwm nwm ilv jwgy ]2] All their sufferings and struggles are wiped away from their bodies; they remain lovingly awake and aware in the Name of the Lord. ||2|| kwmu k®oDu JUTu qij inMdw hir ismrin bMDn qUty ] So abandon your sexual desire, greed, falsehood and slander; meditating in remembrance on the Lord, you shall be released from bondage. moh mgn AhM AMD mmqw gur ikrpw qy CUty ]3] The intoxication of loving attachments, egotism and blind possessiveness are eradicated by Guru's Grace. ||3|| qU smrQu pwrbRhm suAwmI kir ikrpw jnu qyrw ] You are All-Powerful, O Supreme Lord God and Master; please be Merciful to Your humble servant. pUir rihE srb mih Twkuru nwnk so pRBu nyrw ]4]12] My Lord and Master is All-pervading and prevailing everywhere; O Nanak, God is Near. ||4||12|| |