vich dunee-aa sayv kamaa-ee-ai
isrIrwgu mhlw 1 Gru 5 (25-16)sireeraag mehlaa 1 ghar 5 Siree Raag, First Mehl, Fifth House |
ACl ClweI nh ClY nh Gwau ktwrw kir skY ] The Undeceiveable is not deceived by deception. He cannot be wounded by any dagger. ijau swihbu rwKY iqau rhY iesu loBI kw jIau tl plY ]1] As our Lord and Master keeps us, so do we exist. The soul of this greedy person is tossed this way and that. ||1|| ibnu qyl dIvw ikau jlY ]1] rhwau ] Without the oil, how can the lamp be lit? ||1||Pause|| poQI purwx kmweIAY ] Bau vtI iequ qin pweIAY ] Let the reading of your prayer book be the oil, and let the Fear of God be the wick for the lamp of this body. scu bUJxu Awix jlweIAY ]2] Light this lamp with the understanding of Truth. ||2|| iehu qylu dIvw ieau jlY ] Use this oil to light this lamp. kir cwnxu swihb qau imlY ]1] rhwau ] Light it, and meet your Lord and Master. ||1||Pause|| iequ qin lwgY bwxIAw ] This body is softened with the Word of the Guru's Bani; suKu hovY syv kmwxIAw ] you shall find peace, doing seva (selfless service). sB dunIAw Awvx jwxIAw ]3] All the world continues coming and going in reincarnation. ||3|| ivic dunIAw syv kmweIAY ] In the midst of this world, do seva, qw drgh bYsxu pweIAY ] and you shall be given a place of honor in the Court of the Lord. khu nwnk bwh lufweIAY ]4]33] Says Nanak, swing your arms in joy! ||4||33|| |