sar santokh taas gur ho-ay
pRBwqI mhlw 1 (1328-18)parbhaatee mehlaa 1 Prabhaatee, First Mehl |
AMimRqu nIru igAwin mn mjnu ATsiT qIrQ sMig ghy ] One who bathes in the Ambrosial Water of spiritual wisdom takes with him the virtues of the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage. gur aupdyis jvwhr mwxk syvy isKu suo Koij lhY ]1] The Guru's Teachings are the gems and jewels; the Sikh who serves Him searches and finds them. ||1|| gur smwin qIrQu nhI koie ] There is no sacred shrine equal to the Guru. sru sMqoKu qwsu guru hoie ]1] rhwau ] The Guru encompasses the ocean of contentment. ||1||Pause|| guru drIAwau sdw jlu inrmlu imilAw durmiq mYlu hrY ] The Guru is the River, from which the Pure Water is obtained forever; it washes away the filth and pollution of evil-mindedness. siqguir pwieAY pUrw nwvxu psU pryqhu dyv krY ]2] Finding the True Guru, the perfect cleansing bath is obtained, which transforms even beasts and ghosts into gods. ||2|| rqw sic nwim ql hIAlu so guru prmlu khIAY ] He is said to be the Guru, with the scent of sandalwood, who is imbued with the True Name to the bottom of His Heart. jw kI vwsu bnwspiq saurY qwsu crx ilv rhIAY ]3] By His Fragrance, the world of vegetation is perfumed. Lovingly focus yourself on His Feet. ||3|| gurmuiK jIA pRwn aupjih gurmuiK isv Gir jweIAY ] The life of the soul wells up for the Gurmukh; the Gurmukh goes to the House of God. gurmuiK nwnk sic smweIAY gurmuiK inj pdu pweIAY ]4]6] The Gurmukh, O Nanak, merges in the True One; the Gurmukh attains the exalted state of the self. ||4||6|| |