amrit kathaa kahai sadaa din raatee avraa aakh sunaavni-aa

mwJ mhlw 3 (118-12)
maajh mehlaa 3
Maajh, Third Mehl

AMimRq nwmu mMin vswey ]
amrit naam man vasaa-ay.
Enshrining the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, in the mind,

haumY myrw sBu duKu gvwey ]
ha-umai mayraa sabh dukh gavaa-ay.
all the pains of egotism, selfishness and conceit are eliminated.

AMimRq bwxI sdw slwhy AMimRiq AMimRqu pwvixAw ]1]
amrit banee sadaa salaahay amrit amrit paavni-aa. ||1||
By continually praising the Ambrosial Bani of the Word, I obtain the Amrit, the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI AMimRq bwxI mMin vswvixAw ]
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree amrit banee man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Ambrosial Bani of the Word within their minds.

AMimRq bwxI mMin vswey AMimRqu nwmu iDAwvixAw ]1] rhwau ]
amrit banee man vasaa-ay amrit naam Dhi-aavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Enshrining the Ambrosial Bani in their minds, they meditate on the Ambrosial Naam. ||1||Pause||

AMimRqu bolY sdw muiK vYxI ] AMimRqu vyKY prKY sdw nYxI ]
amrit bolai sadaa mukh vainee. amrit vaykhai parkhai sadaa nainee.
Those who continually chant the Ambrosial Words of Nectar see and behold this Amrit everywhere with their eyes.

AMimRq kQw khY sdw idnu rwqI Avrw AwiK sunwvixAw ]2]
amrit kathaa kahai sadaa din raatee avraa aakh sunaavni-aa. ||2||
They continually chant the Ambrosial Sermon day and night; chanting it, they cause others to hear it. ||2||

AMimRq rMig rqw ilv lwey ]
amrit rang rataa liv laa-ay.
Imbued with the Ambrosial Love of the Lord, they lovingly focus their attention on Him.

AMimRqu gur prswdI pwey ]
amrit gur parsaadee paa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, they receive this Amrit.

AMimRqu rsnw bolY idnu rwqI min qin AMimRqu pIAwvixAw ]3]
amrit rasnaa bolai din raatee man tan amrit pee-aavni-aa. ||3||
They chant the Ambrosial Name with their tongues day and night; their minds and bodies are satisfied by this Amrit. ||3||

so ikCu krY ju iciq n hoeI ]
so kichh karai jo chit na ho-ee.
That which God does is beyond anyone's consciousness;

iqs dw hukmu myit n skY koeI ]
tis daa hukam mayt na sakai ko-ee.
no one can erase the Hukam of His Command.

hukmy vrqY AMimRq bwxI hukmy AMimRqu pIAwvixAw ]4]
hukmay vartai amrit banee hukmay amrit pee-aavni-aa. ||4||
By His Command, the Ambrosial Bani of the Word prevails, and by His Command, we drink in the Amrit. ||4||

Ajb kMm krqy hir kyry ]
ajab kamm kartay har kayray.
The actions of the Creator Lord are marvellous and wonderful.

iehu mnu BUlw jWdw Pyry ]
ih man bhoolaa jaaNdaa fayray.
This mind is deluded, and goes around the wheel of reincarnation.

AMimRq bwxI isau icqu lwey AMimRq sbid vjwvixAw ]5]
amrit banee si-o chit laa-ay amrit sabad vajaavani-aa. ||5||
Those who focus their consciousness on the Ambrosial Bani of the Word, hear the vibrations of the Ambrosial Word of the Shabad. ||5||

Koty Kry quDu Awip aupwey ]
khotay kharay tuDh aap upaa-ay.
You Yourself created the counterfeit and the genuine.

quDu Awpy prKy lok sbwey ]
tuDh aapay parkhay lok sabaa-ay.
You Yourself appraise all people.

Kry priK KjwnY pwieih Koty Brim BulwvixAw ]6]
kharay parakh khajaanai paa-ihi khotay bharam bhulaavani-aa. ||6||
You appraise the true, and place them in Your Treasury; You consign the false to wander in delusion. ||6||

ikau kir vyKw ikau swlwhI ]
ki-o kar vaykhaa ki-o saalaahee.
How can I behold You? How can I praise You?

gur prswdI sbid slwhI ]
gur parsaadee sabad salaahee.
By Guru's Grace, I praise You through the Word of the Shabad.

qyry Bwxy ivic AMimRqu vsY qUM BwxY AMimRqu pIAwvixAw ]7]
tayray bhaanay vich amrit vasai tooN bhaanai amrit pee-aavni-aa. ||7||
In Your Sweet Will, the Amrit is found; by Your Will, You inspire us to drink in this Amrit. ||7||

AMimRq sbdu AMimRq hir bwxI ]
amrit sabad amrit har banee.
The Shabad is Amrit; the Lord's Bani is Amrit.

siqguir syivAY irdY smwxI ]
satgur sayvi-ai ridai samaanee.
Serving the True Guru, it permeates the heart.

nwnk AMimRq nwmu sdw suKdwqw pI AMimRqu sB BuK lih jwvixAw ]8]15]16]
naanak amrit naam sadaa sukh-daata pee amrit sabh bhukh leh jaavani-aa. ||8||15||16||
O Nanak, the Ambrosial Naam is forever the Giver of peace; drinking in this Amrit, all hunger is satisfied. ||8||15||16||