Euie suK kw isau brin sunwvq ] o-ay sukh kaa si-o baran sunaavat. Who can I tell, and with whom can I speak,
about this state of peace and bliss?
And ibnod pyiK pRB drsn min mMgl gun gwvq ]1] rhwau ] anad binod paykh parabh darsan man mangal gun gaavat. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am in
ecstasy and delight, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of God's
Darshan. My mind sings His Songs of Joy and His Glories.
ibsm BeI pyiK ibsmwdI pUir rhy ikrpwvq ] bisam bha-ee paykh bismaadee poor rahay kirpaavat. I am wonderstruck, gazing
upon the Wondrous Lord. The Merciful Lord is All-pervading
pIE AMimRq nwmu Amolk ijau cwiK gUMgw muskwvq ]1] pee-o amrit naam amolak ji-o chaakh goongaa muskaavat. ||1|| I drink in the Invaluable Nectar of the Naam,
the Name of the Lord. Like the mute, I can only smile - I cannot
speak of its flavor. ||1||
jYsy pvnu bMD kir rwiKE bUJ n Awvq jwvq ] jaisay pavan banDh kar raakhi-o boojh na aavat jaavat. As the breath is held in bondage, no one can
understand its coming in and going out.
jw kau irdY pRgwsu BieE hir auAw kI khI n jwie khwvq ]2] jaa ka-o ridai pargaas bha-i-o har u-aa kee kahee na jaa-ay kahaavat. ||2|| So is that
person, whose heart is enlightened by the Lord - his story cannot be
told. ||2||
Awn aupwv jyqy ikCu khIAih qyqy sIKy pwvq ] aan upaav jaytay kichh kahee-ahi taytay seekhay paavat. As many other efforts as you
can think of - I have seen them and studied them
AicMq lwlu igRh BIqir pRgitE Agm jYsy prKwvq ]3] achint laal garih bheetar pargati-o agam jaisay parkhaavat. ||3|| My Beloved, Carefree Lord has revealed Himself within the home
of my own heart; thus I have realized the Inaccessible Lord.
inrgux inrMkwr AibnwsI Aqulo quilE n jwvq ] nirgun nirankaar abhinaasee atulo tuli-o na jaavat. The Absolute, Formless, Eternally Unchanging,
Immeasurable Lord cannot be measured.
khu nwnk Ajru ijin jirAw iqs hI kau bin Awvq ]4]9] kaho naanak ajar jin jari-aa tis hee ka-o ban aavat. ||4||9|| Says Nanak,
whoever endures the unendurable - this state belongs to him alone.