ot pot sayvak sang raataa
mwJ mhlw 5 (101-16)maajh mehlaa 5 Maajh, Fifth Mehl |
Eiq poiq syvk sMig rwqw ] Through and through, the Lord is intermingled with His servant. pRB pRiqpwly syvk suKdwqw ] God, the Giver of Peace, cherishes His servant. pwxI pKw pIsau syvk kY Twkur hI kw Awhru jIau ]1] I carry the water, wave the fan, and grind the grain for the servant of my Lord and Master. ||1|| kwit islk pRiB syvw lwieAw ] God has cut the noose from around my neck; He has placed me in His Service. hukmu swihb kw syvk min BwieAw ] The Lord and Master's Command is pleasing to the mind of His servant. soeI kmwvY jo swihb BwvY syvku AMqir bwhir mwhru jIau ]2] He does that which pleases his Lord and Master. Inwardly and outwardly, the servant knows his Lord. ||2|| qUM dwnw Twkuru sB ibiD jwnih ] You are the All-knowing Lord and Master; You know all ways and means. Twkur ky syvk hir rMg mwxih ] The servant of the Lord and Master enjoys the Love and Affection of the Lord. jo ikCu Twkur kw so syvk kw syvku Twkur hI sMig jwhru jIau ]3] That which belongs to the Lord and Master, belongs to His servant. The servant becomes distinguished in association with his Lord and Master. ||3|| ApunY Twkuir jo pihrwieAw ] bhuir n lyKw puiC bulwieAw ] He, whom the Lord and Master dresses in the robes of honor, is not called to answer for his account any longer. iqsu syvk kY nwnk kurbwxI so gihr gBIrw gauhru jIau ]4]18]25] Nanak is a sacrifice to that servant. He is the pearl of the deep and unfathomable Ocean of God. ||4||18||25|| |