EAM ipRA pRIiq cIiq pihlrIAw ] o-aN pari-a
pareet cheet pahilaree-aa. My
consciousness has loved my Beloved God, since the very beginning of
jo qau bcnu dIE myry siqgur qau mY swj sIgrIAw ]1] rhwau ]
ta-o bachan dee-o mayray satgur ta-o mai
saaj seegree-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. When You blessed me with the
Teachings, O my True Guru, I was embellished with beauty.
hm BUlh qum sdw ABUlw hm piqq qum piqq auDrIAw ]
ham bhoolah
tum sadaa abhoolaa ham patit
tum patit uDhree-aa. I am
mistaken; You are never mistaken. I am a sinner; You are the Saving
Grace of sinners.
hm nIc ibrK qum mYlwgr lwj sMig sMig bsrIAw ]1] ham neech birakh
tum mailaagar laaj sang sang basree-aa. ||1|| I am a
lowly thorn-tree, and You are the sandalwood tree. Please preserve
my honor by staying with me; please stay with me.
qum gMBIr DIr aupkwrI hm ikAw bpury jMqrIAw ] tum
gambheer Dheer upkaaree ham ki-aa bapuray
jantree-aa. You are deep and profound, calm and benevolent.
What am I? Just a poor helpless being.
gur ik®pwl nwnk hir myilE qau myrI sUiK syjrIAw ]2]22]45]
gur kirpaal
naanak har mayli-o ta-o mayree sookh sayjree-aa.
||2||22||45|| The Merciful Guru Nanak has united me with the
Lord. I lay on His Bed of Peace. ||2||22||45||