ulaahano mai kaahoo na dee-o
nt nwrwien mhlw 5 dupdy (978-14)nat naaraa-in mehlaa 5 dupday Raag Nat Naaraayan, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas |
aulwhno mY kwhU n dIE ] I don't blame anyone else. mn mIT quhwro kIE ]1] rhwau ] Whatever You do is sweet to my mind. ||1||Pause|| AwigAw mwin jwin suKu pwieAw suin suin nwmu quhwro jIE ] Understanding and obeying Your Order, I have found peace; hearing, listening to Your Name, I live. eIhW aUhw hir qum hI qum hI iehu gur qy mMqRü idRVIE ]1] Here and hereafter, O Lord, You, only You. The Guru has implanted this Mantra within me. ||1|| jb qy jwin pweI eyh bwqw qb kusl Kym sB QIE ] Since I came to realize this, I have been blessed with total peace and pleasure. swDsMig nwnk prgwisE Awn nwhI ry bIE ]2]1]2] In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, this has been revealed to Nanak, and now, there is no other for him at all. ||2||1||2|| |