tayraa jan nirat karay gun gaavai
Awsw mhlw 5 (381-9)aasaa mehlaa 5 Aasaa, Fifth Mehl |
audmu krq hovY mnu inrmlu nwcY Awpu invwry ] Making the effort, the mind becomes pure; in this dance, the self is silenced. pMc jnw ly vsgiq rwKY mn mih eykMkwry ]1] The five passions are kept under control, and the One Lord dwells in the mind. ||1|| qyrw jnu inriq kry gun gwvY ] Your humble servant dances and sings Your Glorious Praises. rbwbu pKwvj qwl GuMGrU Anhd sbdu vjwvY ]1] rhwau ] He plays upon the guitar, tambourine and cymbals, and the unstruck sound current of the Shabad resounds. ||1||Pause|| pRQmy mnu prboDY Apnw pwCY Avr rIJwvY ] First, he instructs his own mind, and then, he leads others. rwm nwm jpu ihrdY jwpY muK qy sgl sunwvY ]2] He chants the Lord's Name and meditates on it in his heart; with his mouth, he announces it to all. ||2|| kr sMig swDU crn pKwrY sMq DUir qin lwvY ] He joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and washes their feet; he applies the dust of the Saints to his body mnu qnu Arip Dry gur AwgY siq pdwrQu pwvY ]3] He surrenders his mind and body, and places them before the Guru; thus, he obtains the true wealth. ||3|| jo jo sunY pyKY lwie srDw qw kw jnm mrn duKu BwgY ] Whoever listens to, and beholds the Guru with faith, shall see his pains of birth and death taken away. AYsI inriq nrk invwrY nwnk gurmuiK jwgY ]4]4]43] Such a dance eliminates hell; O Nanak, the Gurmukh remains wakeful. ||4||4||43|| |