kar kirpaa vashu mayrai hirdai ho-ay sahaa-ee aap
Awsw mhlw 5 (405-17)aasaa mehlaa 5 Aasaa, Fifth Mehl |
audmu krau krwvhu Twkur pyKq swDU sMig ] I make the effort, as You cause me to do, my Lord and Master, to behold You in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. hir hir nwmu crwvhu rMgin Awpy hI pRB rMig ]1] I am imbued with the color of the Love of the Lord, Har, Har; God Himself has colored me in His Love. ||1|| mn mih rwm nwmw jwip ] I chant the Lord's Name within my mind. kir ikrpw vshu myrY ihrdY hoie shweI Awip ]1] rhwau ] Bestow Your Mercy, and dwell within my heart; please, become my Helper. ||1||Pause|| suix suix nwmu qumwrw pRIqm pRBu pyKn kw cwau ] Listening continually to Your Name, O Beloved God, I yearn to behold You. dieAw krhu ikrm Apuny kau iehY mnorQu suAwau ]2] Please, be kind to me - I am just a worm. This is my object and purpose. ||2|| qnu Dnu qyrw qUM pRBu myrw hmrY vis ikCu nwih ] My body and wealth are Yours; You are my God - nothing is in my power. ijau ijau rwKih iqau iqau rhxw qyrw dIAw Kwih ]3] As You keep me, so do I live; I eat what You give me. ||3|| jnm jnm ky iklivK kwtY mjnu hir jn DUir ] The sins of countless incarnations are washed away, by bathing in the dust of the Lord's humble servants. Bwie Bgiq Brm Bau nwsY hir nwnk sdw hjUir ]4]4]139] By loving devotional worship, doubt and fear depart; O Nanak, the Lord is Ever-present. ||4||4||139|| |