In this video you’ll learn why we meditate with a mantra and how meditation works with mantra to clean the subconscious mind. When subconscious mind is clear then your intuition is very effective.

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This is a video excerpt from the DVD "Reaching the Real You" (Aug. 10th, 1994) by Yogi Bhajan (Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa)

"It’s a very simple process. Most of the people in the world do not know what meditation is. They think if they can buy a manual for one-hundred fifty dollars and sit for fifteen minutes on a chair, that’s meditation. Some feel if they attend Yogi Bhajan’s class and learn a meditation, that’s medita­tion. Lots of people have lots of feelings about meditation. But they do not understand real meditation.


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