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My name is Harpreet Kaur and I am here to share this story with you. In the past few years I had been someone that did not have a clear goal in life and any areas of career that I attempted in the past did not work out as I had hoped. There seemed to be more negativity in my experiences in life than positive. And what I wanted was simple, to be happy everyday. And so as most of us living in a world of technology would, I 'Googled' the solution to this problem. In my research, I watched and read up on 'The Secret' which can be summed up in three words: 'thoughts become things'. I also researched people such as Bob Proctor who always spoke about the power of the mind, and I began to use the tools and methods that all these people suggested that leads to a happier mindset.

One very important lesson that kept cropping up everywhere was the power of gratitude. The act of FEELING grateful is so simple, so powerful, and yet so many of us do not practise this on a daily basis. As Brene Brown has put it: “I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” And so by grabbing an old notebook I started scribbling down everything I could think of that I am grateful for, and to my amazement, I had quite a few things to list. Here I was sitting in my home unemployed and I have, what I felt at the time, a long list of things I FEEL incredibly lucky to have in my life. And here it is:

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'Thank you God for the food. Thank you for the shelter. Thank you for all the free time I have to do yoga, paath (prayers), exercise, make dinner. Thank your for when I can make tasty food. Thank you for my body and face. Thank you for my long hair. Thank you for my mathematics degree. Thank you for the money in my life. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful family. Thank you for all the times we get along. Thank you for all our holidays together. Thank you for all the laughter and joy in our lives. Thank you for my sisters. Thank you for my loving mother..and so on.

The trick here was not to just write a whole lot of random items you can think of, but to actually FEEL thankful and so FEEL GOOD. The 'attitude of gratitude' as 'The Secret' describes is a powerful tool to FEEL GOOD and attract more things that you will feel grateful for. And so I would do this everyday. To my amazement the gratitude lists would grow longer from one day to the next, and I would find things such as the toilet in my home to be grateful for because without it, well...I guess I would be digging a hole in my garden. (lol)

Another extremely effective mind training exercises I began doing daily was picking out a positive thought everyday such as 'I believe in myself' , 'I attract good things in my life', or 'I feel great!', and making it my daily mantra. To this day, I sing the thought I picked for that particular day whilst in the shower or getting ready for the day and would laugh and enjoy being a complete goof ball. And this process not only makes me feel good, but my brain constantly receives positive energy from which I have a productive and happy day! :)

Visualisation was also one of the main recommended methods for focusing on what you want, and I wanted to use all means that I could to create a very positive vibe within myself (Again, the difference is to FEEL GOOD doing this exercise). And so if I have any vision that I have of what I want, whether it was a car, or travelling, or having the career I want, I draw it out and humour myself by making funny pictures. An example of how powerful visualisation and feeling good can be was when I always looked at a picture of a particular swimming pool and beach view that I happened to come across in another Google search, and saved on my computer. I would randomly look at that picture from time to time and just be happy and wish I could be at that beach, and I always felt good! A year later my family and I went on a holiday to Mombasa, and I did not know which hotel or resort we were going to. That hotel we went to had the swimming pool that I had kept a picture of on my computer....not a pool like it, the exact pool! I could not believe it! And I came to realise that it was because I always had a happy feeling looking at that picture, never a sad feeling, and that is why I was sitting in front of that same swimming pool and that same beach front. :)

All these 'tools' or 'exercises' I added to my daily routine made the biggest difference to my life, and I was happier! I began doing all the things that I enjoyed which I somehow forgot about as I grew older. Dancing was one of my favourite hobbies, so now I just dance like a crazy person every other day in my living room with my iPod and speakers and have an amazing time all on my own! I started doing yoga every single day and I do my best to only watch everything and anything that made me laugh or smile. I also noticed how I would speak, and whether I am speaking negatively about a situation or not, and began speaking and talking about good things only, discarding any negative event and leaving it in the past.

There was so much that I had taken for granted, and I finally stopped feeling sorry for myself. I knew that the reason I was not happy was because of my past negative attitude and the negative thoughts that enveloped my brain, stopping me from seeing what I already have and doing things that made me happy. My new belief is that I can do anything that I set my mind do. I realised the mind can be your best friend or your greatest enemy and I wanted to use this knowledge to not only help myself, but anybody else that needs to FEEL GOOD and have that positive flow of energy in their lives.

One day when I was just sitting on my bed and meditating, a thought came to my head which was that most people I know would rather talk about the one bad thing that happened to them instead of maybe the incredible lunch they had with their best friend. Or they would complain about how horrible their boss is, but never give thanks to their salary they receive each month that lets them eat food and have a nice home. They are not truly happy because they cannot see how much they already have. So why don't I make a diary or a journal of some sort that would make it easier for people to focus on the good in their lives? As far as I know, no such journal exists (I did my Google search again just to be sure), and I can create a space for which adults and children alike can write in and always look back on. So many ideas started pouring in....'I can write out sentences like 'I am grateful for...' and leave space for people to fill in. I can give examples and suggestions if they're stuck. I can add small pieces of advice as to why they should write down what they are grateful for, why they should believe in themselves! I could create fun sections in which people would just need to write one positive thought and have that as their daily mantra in order to feel good!'. :)

And so the first ever draft of the feel good journal was created on some random sheets of paper with some markers and pens, and then the papers were binded together by needle and thread. It was quite the high school project, but that was just the start. Every page had a small bit of advice which consisted of encouraging the writer to FEEL GOOD as they wrote their thoughts out, their gratitude lists out or draw out their vision.

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I began creating the journal online, redrafting it several times, and after a certain number of months, I present to you this journal which has changed my entire life.


YOUR JOURNAL TO FEELING GOOD DAILY is a humble attempt to help people of all ages, living in all parts of the world to shift their thoughts into a more positive pattern. People can write out their good feelings in a fun space, they can write out their gratitude lists easily, and have space for their visuals all in one compact journal. It is simple, made with love and the belief that by writing in it and practising the methods suggested DAILY, anybody can significantly increase their level of happiness in their lives. :)

[Links to the journal

This is the UK link:http://www.blurb.co.uk/b/5999499-your-journal-to-feeling-good-daily

This is the US link.http://www.blurb.com/b/5999499-your-journal-to-feeling-good-daily ]


    From the Author: Harpreet Kaur

Perhaps the best way for me to describe it to you is how I this journal was created, and I would like to share it with you as the thoughts come to my head. Here goes:

I personally was somebody that had never grasped the concept of gratitude and the power of having good thoughts. I did not have a clear goal in life and any areas of career that I attempted in the past did not work out as I had hoped. There seemed to be more negativity in my experiences in life that positive. This needed to change. So, last year I started searching for ways to feel happier everyday. In my research, I watched and read up on 'The Secret' which can be summed up in three words: 'thoughts become things'. I also researched people such as Bob Proctor who always spoke about the power of the mind, and I began to use the tools and methods that they suggested for a happier state of mind.

The process began by me writing out lists of what I am grateful for in my life everyday. And the trick was to actually FEEL grateful, not just write some words out on a piece of paper. Then, I would pick out a positive thought everyday such as 'I believe in myself' , 'I attract good things in my life', or 'I feel great!'. I would sing this thought I picked for the day whilst in the shower or getting ready for the day and would laugh and enjoy making up tunes and it would always put me in a good mood. Any vision that I had of what I wanted, whether it was a car, or travelling, or having the career I wanted, I would draw it out and humour myself by making funny pictures. All these little things I added to my daily routine made the biggest difference to my life. I began doing all the things that I enjoyed which I somehow forgot about as I grew older. Dancing was one of the hobbies, and I would be alone in my living room with my iPod and speakers and would have an amazing time all on my own! I started doing yoga every single day and would only watch comedies whether it was on television or You Tube. I noticed how I would speak, and whether I am speaking negatively about a situation or not, and began speaking and talking about good things only.

I also noticed how so many people around me who spoke immediately about one negative incident in their day, but never mentioned the rest of their day, which would consist of having a great walk around a beautiful lake, or the amazing lunch they had at their favourite restaurant. I was shocked and surprised at how much we all take for granted and how much abundance is all around us. This was life changing, and I felt so grateful that I had realised that my thoughts are so powerful in how I feel everyday, and that I had began to use this to my advantage in my everyday life.

One day when I was just sitting on my bed and meditating, a thought came to my head, which was, 'Why don't I make a diary or a journal of some sort that would make it easier for people to focus on the good in their lives? I can write out lists such as ' I am grateful for....' and they would only need to write the one word rather that a full sentence. And I could create fun sections in which people would just need to write one positive thought and have that as their daily mantra in order to feel good'. And so the first every draft of the feel good journal was created on paper with some markers, and then the papers were binded together by needle and thread. Every page had a small bit of advice which always consists of encouraging the writer to FEEL GOOD as they wrote their thoughts out, their gratitude lists out or their vision.

The ideas of what the journal should contain expanded as I began to use the website www.blurb.com that allows you to create your own self published books. The journal is simple, to the point, and any pictures or thoughts have been created and added from my own personal story.

This journal has been created with a lot of heart, and is a tool for anybody who needs a 'push' in creating a positive state of mind. I truly believe that this is a journal that can help people feel better every single day, which in turn will change their whole lives.

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