Espanola Sikh Youth Camp

Join the Sikh Youth of the Española Sangat
August 10-12th, 2007

After the Jaap Sahib course will be a Sikh Youth camp. This will be directly after the Jaap Sahib course. This event is run by Sikh youth, and the main goal of this venture is to inspire and network Sikh youth. This is your chance to meet a beautiful Sangat at a beautiful place. Enjoy the quiet simplicity, beautiful skies, and rolling hills of Española, NM, Siri Singh Sahib's home before he passed away. Learn about Siri Singh Sahib (Harbhajan Singh Yogi), and his legacy of teaching yoga and Sikh Dharma in the west. This course will be focused on learning and having fun! We will be practicing gatka, reading Bani's, playing Kirtan, listening to stories, learning yoga, participating in discussion, and going on a fun outing and picnic. You will get a chance to meet Gurumustuk Singh ("Mr.SikhNet"), Guruka Singh, Shanti Kaur, Bibi Inderjit Kaur (Yogi ji's wife), other inspiring Sikh leaders, the Sikh youth of S.E.V.A., and other Española Sikh Youth.

Here is a tentative Schedule

Friday - Aug.10
3:30 - 6 AM Aquarian Sadhna
6 - 7 AM Gurdwara
7- 8 AM Banis
8 -9 AM Breakfast
9 - 12 AM Gatka
12 - 2 PM Lunch
2 - 4 PM Yoga
4 - 9 PM Stories, Tour, and Dinner with Bibiji
Saturday - Aug.11
3:30 - 6 AM Aquarian Sadhana
6 - 7 AM Gurdwara
7- 8 AM Banis
8 -9 AM Breakfast
9-10 AM Gatka
10 AM - 5 PM Hike, picnic
5 PM - 7 PM Rehiras, kirtan
7 - 9 PM Dinner and Stories with Shanti
Sunday - Aug.12
6:30 - 8:30 AM Ishnaan seva.
8:30 -9 AM Breakfast
9 - 10 AM Breakfast/Get ready
10 AM - 1:30 PM Gurdwara, langar

More about the purpose and details about the daily activities


Before July 25th - PayPal $54

After July 25th - $65
(This is separate from the Jaap Sahib course, you can come to one or both)
Prepay: By check, or paypal. Please send your paypal to: [email protected]
Or you can pay by cash or check on arrival.


Participants will be tenting. Showers and bathrooms are at the camp site. If you don't have a tent please let us know before hand. There will be the same tents for rent as the Jaap Sahib course for and extra $15.

Packing list
We recommend you bring walking shoes, comfortable clothes for yoga, hiking clothes, and clothes for Gurdwara Divan.

Air Travel:
The closest airport is Albuquerque, New Mexico, approximately 90 miles from the Gurdwara.  Airport code is ABQ. Arriving; We recommend that you book your flight to arrive around 6pm on Thursday Aug. 9th. Departing; We recommend that you book your flight from Albuquerque around 5pm on Aug. 12th. We will not be providing transportation to and from the Airport, so please reserve a shuttle.

Airport Shuttle and Driving Directions:
click here

This camp is intended for, but not limited to, the ages of 18-30. *Please contact us if you are under 18.


PayPal $54
You can also pay by personal check or cash.
Email: [email protected]
Please feel free to let us know if you are thinking about coming, and we will keep you updated.

This event is organized by S.E.V.A. independently from SikhNet

More info



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